Queen-isms, Prayers, Affirmations, Creed & More!
Every Queen should rule her court, her world.
Here are a few tidbits to help remind you that you are in charge.
Queen-isms to Remember
This is Easy /I Got This
This or Something Better
Up Until Now
I'm Okay, They're Okay, It’s Okay
Everything's a Blessing (regardless of appearances)
Nothing Happens "To" me, Everything Happens "For" me.
Your Lack of Planning is Not My Priority
The Queen’s Affirmation
I am a beautiful and dynamic woman, filled with radiant beauty and grace.
I know who I am.
I am confident, wise, youthful and poise.
I am divinely guided in all that I do and say.
My life is magical and everyone in my world is healthy, happy and prosperous.
I no longer need to be needed.
I am whole perfect and complete right here and right now.
My cup runeth over! And I am graceful enough to receive the overflow!
I have an amazing life!
Life is beautiful and so am I.
LadyUp Universal Healing Prayer
Unconditional love and eternal forgiveness I extend to everyone and every situation. Amazing mercy and clear guidance I receive with grace and ease. Filled with inner peace, I rest in Thee. Thy Will be done. Ashe.
Empowering Queen Questions
Is this mine to do?
Can I choose Love here?
How is this serving me?
What one thing can I do today to bring me more joy tomorrow?
How to Honor Yourself
Own Your Time
Organize Your Life
Create Your World
The LadyUp Creed To Live By...
To stand as a woman of power who commands her world with the grace of a Lady
We own our time and we’re not afraid to charge for it.
We no longer struggle; we command Order in every aspect of our lives.
We bring and invite Beauty into our world with grace and ease.
We honor and promote our Passion, for self-expression as well as for profit.
We allow more Grace into our lives by setting our intention and trusting our intuition.
We honor our bodies with extreme self-care and unconditional love.
We are clear about who we are, always authentic, ready and willing to be seen.
We easily shift between the feminine qualities of innocence, seduction, and mastery.
We are not afraid of our power, for with it, we are wise and responsible.
Our Word is our wand and our sword – we can comfort the sick or slay the dragon.
We never withhold Love – we use it to teach, nurture, and heal.
We receive with grace and ease, and never negate a compliment, for we are Ladies.
Never Underestimate a LADY.
She’s a Playful Goddess and Fearless Queen
Here are a few things that will help you
Feel Like a Queen!
Learn to articulate your boundaries clearly and gracefully.
Stand firmly when boundaries are crossed. Teach people how to treat you.
Raise your standards each year on your birthday, as a gift to yourself.
Ask for what you want or need without shame or guilt. Allow people their blessings.
Receive with grace, ease and gratitude.
Distinction to get: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
Give and/or serve others ONLY from your heart’s desires to do so. Be selfish.