Facilitator: Wanda Marie. The LadyUp Mystic Healer is one who knows herself as one with her Creator. She walks within the Christ Light and spreads that light to others. She is never controlling, always humble within the responsibilities of her power to heal. Her mind is clear, focused and steady. She has no physical tools, only the Light that moves through her body, her mind and soul. The six-month basic empowerment training should be completed prior to taking this course. COURSE AGENDA MIND - The Mystic Mindset Lesson 1 God is Not Good Lesson 2 Change Your Mind Lesson 3 The Mystic Mindset BODY - The Mystic Healer Lesson 4 Hands of Light Lesson 5 Light Body Activation Lesson 6 The Healing Heart SOUL - The Mystic Teacher Lesson 7 Living Lesson 8 Loving Lesson 9 Letting Go
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